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| le sommeil est chaos qui se réorganisé |

Par swsleep_A / juin 6, 2018

| magna magna |

Salve, innanzitutto mi scuso per il ritardo, ma ciò è dovuto al periodo caotico e di transizione in cui mi...

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Letters, Old Stuff
Par swsleep_A / mai 31, 2018

| sogni da marmocchio giapponese |

Konnichiwa ...-san Hajimemashite. I am, an Italian guitarist and producer interested also in Literature, Visual Art, Technology, Natural Sciences and...

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Aesthetics, Letters, Old Stuff, Phylosophy
Par swsleep_A / mai 7, 2018

| transizione infinita |

A tutti gli artisti coinvolti nel progetto Slow Wave Sleep Come alcuni di voi già sanno sono in ritardo nella...

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Letters, Old Stuff, Sound Design
Par swsleep_A / avril 30, 2018

| sample #1 – how I deal with samples |

- Sample #1, Song Vishnu (00:47) I suppose you're referring to the pseudo - “breath”. That sound is made using one...

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Aesthetics, Old Stuff, Past Blog post
Par swsleep_A / mars 23, 2018

| sul ring con la sfiga |

Provo a dire la mia…in ordine casuale e forse senza senso. Attualmente siamo acerbi, molto acerbi, a tratti spaesati. Il...

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Letters, Old Stuff
Par swsleep_A / mars 19, 2018

| dear susan (at the gates of berlin) |

Dear Susan, thanks for the quick answer. I’m really interested in the apartment because my primary research is for the Neukölln...

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Aesthetics, Letters, Old Stuff, Phylosophy
Par swsleep_A / mars 13, 2018

| we need to dream |

I totally agree with the analysis, but not with the solution. We’re going to feed what we’re facing up and...

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Aesthetics, Past Blog post, Phylosophy
Par swsleep_A / mars 8, 2018

| question! |

I think that stuffs are moving in a way we cannot control...paying the rent is more important of being self-realised,...

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Aesthetic, Aesthetics, Letters, Old Stuff
Par swsleep_A / mars 5, 2018

| robots that create music |

In most of popular music that we refers a chord changes, as a harmony modulation, is given every times that...

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Aesthetics, Letters, Old Stuff, Past Blog post
Par swsleep_A / février 27, 2018

| message to andreas (disney) |

Hi Andreas, Emilio Larocca Conte here. I found today's panel at Appsworld really inspiring and encouraging. People needs more relevant...

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